Walker's performance career

Walker is just a baby so we will wait and see if he likes the performance world of dog shows. We are excited to introduce him to as many events as possible! Check back later for updates!

On September 15th, 2018 at the GSD "Fun Day" hosted by the GSDCMSP at the Animal Inn Training Center in Lake Elmo, MN, Walker earned his AKC Canine Good Citizen title. We did not do very much training to prepare him for this; he only knew sit, down, and stay prior to the test. As a conformation dog, we weren't expecting him to heel on leash very well, but he did beautifully! He waited patiently during the supervised separation(I had never left him with a stranger before!) and he was calm and polite throughout the test! I'm so proud of him! Good boy Walkie!

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